Application to use Herald Island Boating Clubs Facilities Name(Required) First Last Address(Required) Street Address City Region Postcode Phone number(Required) Current Marina or Mooring Details:(Required)Name of Boat:(Required) Yacht or Launch?(Required) It's a yacht It's a launch Overall Length (in metres):(Required)Please enter a number from 0 to 200.Beam (in metres):(Required)Please enter a number from 0 to 200.Construction:(Required) Time required to complete work:(Required) Facility Required:(Required) Work berth Haulout Loading berth What work is planned:(Required)Consent(Required) I understand that:- Applications by non-members need prior approval by the HIBC Committee - Rate is $50 per day to paid before facility use - I am required to read the rules on facility use - Health and Safety rules apply - Boat owners are responsible for contractor’s and volunteer helpers Please attach insurance details(Required) Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 64 MB.